David Allen Cloud - His Legacy Page – SparkyTron Solar Electric

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David Allen Cloud - His Legacy Page

Posted by Steven Cloud on

My Brother Dave, Passed away in 2018 and I would like to Document His Legacy.

I will be listing as many of his accomplishments here and you can comment with your memories.  

You can see the Dave Cloud page Here

* David Cloud Corvair repair shop:
In his early years he had a Repair Shop in the White Center area south of Seattle. 
Since he loved his Corvair Cars and vans he learned to specialize in the repairs of these vehicles and started a business repairing them for Customers.

 *SEVA member Dave Cloud has probably done more EV conversions than anyone else in the State of Washington.

* Dave was a Prominent and "Original" Co-Fonder of Electrathon America.
He Built too Many to Count. 

* He assembled the Dolphin from a 1997 Geo Metro

* Dave Built the World Fastest Electric Boat at the Time, at 70.595 mph in the Kilo 2way run, set in 1995. I believe it is still the World Fasted with Lead acid Batteries.

* Cloud Electric Dragster
Built by David Cloud was (or still is) the record holder in the Electric "D" class Dragster.

* He was an inspiration to many,  to go out and Build or Convert an "Electric Vehicle".

I really believe that Dave Cloud may have been the inspiration to Elon Musk, Building of the Tesla Empire.

I know it's not everything, please help me add to this list by Commenting below:


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